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Appears in
The Seafood Shack: Food & Tales from Ullapool

By Kirsty Scobie and Fenella Renwick

Published 2020

  • About

An alternative way of cooking oysters if you don’t fancy them raw, this keeps their lovely fresh, delicate flavour but changes the texture. We serve them like this at the Shack and people who aren’t usually keen on the idea of oysters seem much more inclined to try them.


  • 50 g butter
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 12


First place your frying pan on a medium heat, then add your butter and garlic and cook for five minutes, making sure your garlic doesn’t burn.

Remove your oysters from the shells. Turn up the heat underneath your butter and toss in the oysters. Cook for around a minute on a high heat, then add your parsley and season well with salt and pepper. Serve immediately straight from the pan, or