Envueltos de Mazorca

Corn Wraps

Preparation info
  • 8 to 12

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

  • About

These corn cakes are like the Bollos de Mazorca of the center of the country, Cundinamarca, where our capital is. Although they differ in ingredients and cooking procedure, they are similar in form and taste. This is another recipe from my friend Amparo in Panamá.


  • Kernels from 12 – 16 large ears of corn, about 16 cups
  • ½ pound (


  1. Pass the raw corn kernels through the finest disc of a molino* or meat grinder, into a bowl. You will get about 4 cups total of a smooth paste of milled corn.
  2. Add the cheese, butter, Aguardiente, sugar, vanilla, baking powder, and salt, and mix well with a fork