Roscas de Yuca con Azúcar

Sweet Yuca Rings

Preparation info
  • 1

    dozen 2 inch rings
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

  • About

Roscas de yuca bring memories of my childhood, all of us sitting around the table with one thing in common: we all loved the roscas; the rest of the meal we couldn’t agree on. Roscas are very light and sweet, and the sugar on the outside is like music to a child’s heart.


  • 2 pounds peeled yuca*, fresh or frozen
  • tablespoons salt


  1. Cut the yuca lengthwise into 1-inch pieces. They will be half-moon-shaped chunks, since yuca is a cylindrical vegetable and is usually cut in long, half-cylinders. Remove the center stem.
  2. In a small stockpot place the yuca and 1 tablespoon of salt, and cover complet