Jugo de Tomate de Árbol

Tree Tomato Juice

Preparation info
  • 2

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

  • About

Tomates de árbol* (tree tomatoes) are a yellowish red fruit, used mainly for the production of juice. Tree tomatoes are sold in specialty and Latin American grocery stores.


  • 2 tree tomatoes* (about ½ to ⅔ cup)
  • 4 tablespoons sugar


  1. Peel and quarter the tree tomatoes. Blend with the sugar and 1 cup of water. Strain through a sieve.
  2. Return the juice to the blender, add the ice, and puree to a smooth consistency.
  3. Serve immediately.