Pumpkin Spoon Sweet

Balkabak Tatlisi

Preparation info
  • Makes about

    16 spoonfuls

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sephardic Flavors: Jewish Cooking of the Mediterranean

By Joyce Goldstein

Published 2000

  • About

Pumpkin is used in savory and sweet dishes in the Sephardic kitchen. In Sicily and Spain, the pumpkin for this confection was cooked first in water until tender, drained, and then simmered in sugar syrup until it became a jam, at which point it was used as a cake filling. In Sicily, it might be scented with jasmine flowers, a little cinnamon, orange-flower water, or rose water. The tradition of pumpkin sweets made its way to Turkey, where chopped walnuts or pine nuts were added to the alrea