Green Gooseberry and Elderflower Jam

Preparation info
  • makes


    × 450 g pots
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Darina Allen's Simply Delicious Suppers

By Darina Allen

Published 2001

  • About


  • 1.35 kg hard tart green gooseberries
  • 1.1 litres water
  • 5–6


Wash the gooseberries if necessary, top and tail and put them into a wide stainless steel preserving pan with the water. Tie the elderflowers in a little muslin bag and also add to the pan. Simmer until the gooseberries are soft and the contents of the pan are reduced by one third – approximately 30 minutes. Heat the sugar in a moderate oven (160°C/325°F/Gas 3). Remove the elderflowers and add