Fresh Salsa

Salsa Fresca

Preparation info
  • Makes

    4 cups

    • Difficulty


Appears in
My South Texas Kitchen: Traditional Recipes And Modern Tips

By Yvette Zuniga Jemison

Published 2022

  • About

A batch of fresh salsa is a flavor booster that has multiple uses throughout the week. For a salsa that will last for days, no salt, citrus juice or spices are added as these will make fresh salsa watery with storage. Select just-ripened tomatoes that give a little when gently squeezed, and aren’t so ripe that they’re mushy.

I sauté fresh salsa and stir it into scrambled eggs for Huevos a la Mexicana. I enjoy fresh salsa atop breakfast tacos, tamales, grilled fish and steak. And, fo