Tarte Flambée

Flatbread with Fromage Blanc, Onions, and Bacon

Preparation info
  • Makes


    7-by-12 inch 17 by 30.5 cm ) tarts
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Gabriel Kreuther: The Spirit of Alsace

By Gabriel Kreuther

Published 2021

  • About

This iconic staple of Alsace is a signature dish of my restaurant—something we can serve at the bar as well as in the dining room. It’s that universally appealing, both casual and elegant. This deeply satisfying dish looks like a small rectangular pizza but has a very thin, crackly crust. To achieve the crust’s crisp snap and slight chew, you need a blazing hot oven. In Alsace, this was the dish that bakers slid into wood-burning ovens to test the flame’s heat. If you have a pizza oven, use