Potatoes with Ceps

Pommes de terre aux cèpes

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By Caroline Conran

Published 2012

  • About

I recently made this with firm young ceps from the Carcassonne Saturday market – they had come from the Lozère, where it had rained heavily, while in the south we were hazed in September sunlight. Although traditionally this dish is cooked for at least half an hour, the ceps are nuttier and more delicate if cooked rather more briefly.


  • 250 g firm young ceps
  • 500 g yellow-fleshed potatoes, peeled
  • 2


Pare the stems of the ceps and wipe the caps with a piece of damp kitchen paper to remove dirt. Cut into pieces about 1 cm thick and 3 cm across. Cut the potatoes into small chunks.

Heat the duck fat and oil in your largest frying-pan. When it is hot put in the potatoes and fry over a good heat, turning them until brown all over.

Add the ceps and fry for 3 minutes, turning them,