Rousi Chuan Mian

Pork And Preserved Vegetable Noodle Soup

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as Part of a Chinese Meal, or 2 as a Single Dish.
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Ken Hom

Published 1990

  • About

It seems that every region in China is chauvinistic about its version of pork and vegetable noodle soup. Sichuan prefers to use preserved vegetables with chillies; in the north, red-in-snow cabbage, another style of preserved vegetables, is used. Whatever the variation, it is a dish common to many food stalls. Once the pork and vegetables are stir-fried, it is a simple matter to place them on the blanched noodles, then to quickly ladle clear broth over all. Of the many versions I tasted

