Preparation info
  • Serves

    Four to Six

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Thai Food and Cooking

By Judy Bastyra and Becky Johnson

Published 2011

  • About

This dish is traditionally based on beef, but chicken, lamb or tofu can be used instead. It has a rich, sweet and spicy flavour and is best served with boiled rice. Mussaman curry paste is available from specialist stores.


  • 675 g/ lb stewing steak
  • 600 ml/1


  1. Trim off any excess fat from the stewing steak, then, using a sharp knife, cut it into 2.5cm/1 in chunks.
  2. Pour the coconut milk into a large, heavy pan and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Add the chunks of beef, reduce the heat to low, partially cover the pan and