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Sweet and Sour Pork, Thai-Style

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Appears in
Thai Food and Cooking

By Judy Bastyra and Becky Johnson

Published 2011

  • About

It was the Chinese who originally created sweet and sour cooking, but the Thais also do it very well. This version has a fresher and cleaner flavour than the original. It makes a good one-dish meal when served over rice.


  • 350 g/12 oz lean pork
  • 30 ml/2


  1. Place the pork in the freezer for 30–40 minutes, until firm. Using a sharp knife, cut it into thin strips.

  2. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the garlic. Cook over a medium heat until golden, then add the pork and stir-fry for 4

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from Australia

A pretty standard stir fry. I used pork fillet which disintegrated a bit. Absolutely no heat in this dish and I would add some sliced chillies next time.

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