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Appears in
The Food of India: A Journey for Food Lovers

By Priya Wickramasinghe

Published 2005

  • About

Do piaza literally means onions ‘twice’. This can be interpreted as double the quantity of onions as for meat, or onions used in two different forms as in this version.


  • teaspoons cumin seeds
  • teaspoons coriander seeds
  • 4


Place a small frying pan over low heat and dry-roast the cumin seeds until aromatic. Remove, then dry-roast the coriander seeds. Grind the roasted mixture to a fine powder using a spice grinder or pestle and mortar. In a food processor or with a knife, finely chop together the garlic, ginger and two-thirds of the onion.

Heat the oil in a karhai or casserole and fry the remaining onion u