Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Sheila Lukins and Julee Rosso

Published 1989

  • About

Although broccoli rabe and broccoli share a name, there is little resemblance between them. Broccoli rabe never forms a head, just dark green leafy stalks with a few buds. Pungent, even bitter, in taste, broccoli rabe adds spark to other mild foods, such as potatoes and pasta. Cream smooths it and garlic and chiles support it.


  • broccoli
  • dark green leafy
  • a few buds
  • bitter
  • potatoes


Broccoli rabe is sold loosely tied in bunches. Look for those with the smallest stems and crisp fresh leaves. Rinse it thoroughly before cooking, then boil, steam, stir-fry, or sauté. Broccoli rabe cooks in just 2 to 5 minutes. Be sure to catch it while it is still crisp-tender or it turns to mush.