Potato with Semolina

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Appears in
The Potato Year: 300 Classic Recipes

By Lucy Madden

Published 2015

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Rather a curious recipe this, but not without charm. It was given to me by a French friend who serves spoonfuls of the semolina/potato combination with a purée of pears and a few pieces of black pudding. It’s not something one would want to eat in large quantities, or even too often, but it makes for a change.


  • 1 lb (450 g) potatoes
  • ½ pint (275


Boil or steam the potatoes in their skins, peel them and make a purée with the warm milk. Stir in the semolina and the butter.

Cook gently for 5 minutes over a low heat.

With a tablespoon dipped in warm melted butter, take out spoonfuls of the mixture to form egg shapes and put them onto a warm plate. Serve with the fruit purée.