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Lavender Rice Pudding

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    4 to 6

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Appears in
The Scented Kitchen: Cooking with Flowers

By Frances Bissell

Published 2012

  • About

Flower scents translate beautifully into milky puddings, whether made with rice, tapioca or semolina, lifting them out of the ordinary.


  • 100 g/4 oz pudding rice, soaked overnight
  • up to 750 ml/


Rinse the rice. Pour three-quarters of the milk into a heavy saucepan, bring to the boil and stir in the rice. Cover and simmer on the lowest possible heat until the rice is tender and the milk absorbed. Add more milk if necessary and do not let the rice catch. It should be very soft. Stir in most of the sugar, keeping back a teaspoon or so.

Pound the lavender flowers with the remaining

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