Posole with Chayote and Poblano Peppers

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 6

    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      25 min

Appears in

By Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby

Published 2013

  • About

Posole is a Mexican stew that uses hominy as its main ingredient. Hominy—dried corn from which the hull and germ have been removed—puffs up to a fluffy, almost dumpling-like texture when cooked. You can cook it in a pressure cooker from its dry state, but it’s also available canned, ready to go and easy to work with. This posole also features chayote, a Mexican squash with a mild flavor, and crisp light flesh. The skin is edible, but I recommend removing the pit. (If you can’t find chayote,