Warm Cauliflower Salad with Raisins, Pine Nuts, and Pink Peppercorns

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    By Elizabeth Schneider

    Published 2001

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    For this tart-sweet mélange of unusual colors and flavors, cauliflower is speedily cooked whole (steamed or microwaved), then cut into wedges while still warm and dressed to serve as appetizer or side salad. Vibrant green broccoli Romanesco or Broccoflower is a spectacular substitute.


    • 1 medium white or green cauliflower (about 2 pounds)
    • 2 tablespoons pine nuts
    • ¼


    1. Trim large leaves only from cauliflower. Cut off heavy stem base. Cut a large conical plug from remaining stem to hollow it. Set cauliflower in ¾ inch boiling salted water in heavy pot that holds it closely. Cover and cook over moderate heat until tender, about 8 minutes. Let stand a few minutes before uncovering. (Alternatively, microwave the cauliflower; see