Spanish Butterbean and Vegetable Soup

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Welcome to Claire's: 35 Years of Recipes and Reflections from the Landmark Vegetarian Restaurant

By Claire Criscuolo

Published 2014

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I love the flavors of Spanish foods, and this Spanish-style soup sings the praises of fennel seeds, smoked paprika, tomatoes, bell peppers, and saffron, with the health benefits of protein, fiber, and vitamin C. I serve this soup with my Parmesan-Herb Garlic Bread.


  • quarts (10 cups) water
  • 1 cup (½ poun


  1. Measure the water, the sorted lima beans, and the bay leaves into a large, heavy pot. Cover and set over high heat and bring to a boil. When it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook at a medium boil for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the lima beans are crisp-tender when tested with a fork (scoop a bean into a big spoon, then test it with a fo