Roast Goose with Apple Sauce

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Yashim Cooks Istanbul

By Jason Goodwin

Published 2016

  • About

Sharing a prohibition on eating pork with Muslims, Mediterranean Jews were very fond of goose. In Christian regions especially they used it for making sausage, salami, and ham, and kept the fat for cooking. This roast goose would have been a Jewish family treat from Ottoman Thessalonica to the southern shores of France.


  • a goose
  • salt, pepper
  • juice of ½ lemon


  • Remove the heavy lumps of fat just inside the neck, and prick the bird all over with a fork. Rub the skin with salt and pepper and put the goose breast down on a rack set in a baking tin. Roast for 2½ hours at 220°C, turning it over halfway through and occasionally pouring off the fat melting into the baking tin. Keep the fat for frying and roasting, and a tablespoonful for t