Shortbread Recipes

Late Twentieth Century

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Year in a Scots Kitchen

By Catherine Brown

Published 1996

  • About

It’s texture is a matter of taste, adjusted by varying the coarseness of the flour (using ground rice for grittiness), cornflour and icing sugar for a more melting texture. The flavour of the butter is crucial.


For a ‘Gritty’ Granular Texture

  • 125 g (5oz) plain soft flour
  • 25 g (



Put the butter onto a work surface, knead the sugar into it, then the flour etc gradually until it becomes a firm, not too soft and not too firm ball of dough.

In food processor

Pulse butter and sugar till creamy, add flour and pulse until smooth. Remove and knead, adding mor