David Wilson’s Salmon with Crisp Skin, Served with Sonia Stevenson’s Hot Orange Vinaigrette

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Year in a Scots Kitchen

By Catherine Brown

Published 1996

  • About


  • 4 × 100/125 g (4oz) salmon fillets, boned, descaled with skin left on
  • sea salt
  • mixed green salad


To prepare the salmon, slash the skin 5-6 times with a sharp knife. Sprinkle over some sea-salt.

Heat a frying pan until it is very hot but not burning. Place in the salmon, skin-side down. The skin will stick at first but as the fat is released in the skin it will loosen. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until the fish is about half cooked through. The time will depend on the t