Tortillas with Pork Crackling Spread

Tortillas con Momocho

Preparation info
  • Makes


    thick tortillas
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Zarela's Veracruz: Mexico's Simplest Cuisine

By Zarela Martínez

Published 2001

  • About

Momocho, or Mosmocho, the delicious veracruzan mixture of crackling bits and the grainy layer that sinks to the bottom of homemade lard, is a great addition to plain corn tortillas. When I sing the praises of good Mexican lard and urge people to get into the habit of making up a little batch from time to time, I’m thinking not only of its excellent cooking qualities but also of bonuses like this. When you have lard and cracklings on hand, be sure to see how they can transform a simple torti