Pork in Fruit Liqueur Sauce

Carne en Salsa de Licores

Preparation info
  • Makes


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Zarela's Veracruz: Mexico's Simplest Cuisine

By Zarela Martínez

Published 2001

  • About

Enriqueta Izaguirre de Virués, of the famous liqueur-making families Virués and Izaguirre in Xico, borrowed the idea for this dish from the well-known carne enpulcada, or pork in pulque sauce. Given her heritage, it was a natural switch to use fruit liqueurs instead. The combination of liqueurs and vinegar produces a vividly flavored sweet-and-sour sauce.

In Xico, the meat would be pork loin, but in the United States, this cut is so lean that it comes out like baked ca