Veracruzan Beignets with Brown Loaf Sugar Syrup

Buñuelos Veracruzanos con Miel de Piloncillo

Preparation info
  • Makes 12–16 (


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Zarela's Veracruz: Mexico's Simplest Cuisine

By Zarela Martínez

Published 2001

  • About

In spanish, the name Buñuelos (fritters) is given to various crisp fried things that don’t really have much in common. One kind, called buñuelos de viento (wind fritters) in Spain, uses the same principle as French beignets soufflés made with pâte à choux (cream puff dough). You start with a smoothly cooked mixture of flour, water, and melted fat and vigorously beat eggs into it one at a time until the dough has taken as many as it can without becoming too wet. (