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21st century Andalusian cuisine

Appears in
Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

  • About

Andalucía of course espouses the healthy Mediterranean diet based on olive oil, vegetables, fish, fruit, and nuts, in which slow cooking is championed and fresh, seasonal produce is the lifeblood. Yet a bubbling new regional confidence is bringing astonishing innovation and complexity to restaurant cooking. In 2022, some 23 Andalusian restaurants boasted Michelin stars, from Muelle Uno (José Carlos García) in Málaga to Abantal (Julio Fernández) in Seville, Acanthum (Xanty Elias) in Huelva to Alejandro in Roquetas, all creating phenomenal, visually exquisite dishes.

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