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Steps of the Biscuit Mixing Method

Appears in
Baker Bettie's Better Baking Book

By Kristin Hoffman

Published 2022

  • About
Before starting, make sure the butter, liquid, and eggs (if in the recipe) are very cold.
  1. Whisk together the dry ingredients.

  2. Use a pastry blender, fork, or your fingertips to cut the fat throughout the flour mixture. To do this, press down on the fat with the wires of the pastry blender as you move it around the bowl.

  3. Continue cutting the fat into the flour until most of the pieces of fat are about the size of peas, with some pieces being about the size of a walnut half.

  4. If you are adding solid mix-ins (like fruit or nuts), toss them into the flour mixture after the fat is cut in.

  5. Combine all of the wet ingredients together and add to the mixing bowl.

  6. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients very gently. The dough will look very incohesive and “shaggy.”

  7. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and press it together into one mass.

  8. Depending on the recipe, either lightly knead or gently fold the dough (more detailed step-by-step images of this process are in the following recipes).

  9. Shape the dough into desired forms. Be gentle as you shape so that you do not overwork the gluten structure.

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