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The Biscuit Mixing Method

Appears in
Baker Bettie's Better Baking Book

By Kristin Hoffman

Published 2022

  • About

The Biscuit Mixing Method is used for quick breads that are made from a dough. This includes:

  • Biscuits
  • Scones
  • Soda breads
Solid fat is utilized in this method, and it is “cut into” the flour mixture. This serves two purposes:

The first purpose is to coat the flour with fat, which acts as a barrier to the liquid that will be added later, slowing gluten formation. This will keep your quick bread tender.

The second purpose is to distribute small solid pieces of fat throughout the dough. These pieces of fat will melt in the oven, creating little pockets of flakiness throughout the final baked good.

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