Occhi Di Passero


Appears in
Encyclopedia of Pasta

By Oretta Zanini de Vita

Published 2009

  • About

Ingredients Durum-wheat flour and water.

How Made Factory made of variable size, with a hole. They are cooked either in broth or in abundant boiling salted water.

Also Known As Occhi di elefante, occhi di giudeo, occhi di lupo rigati, and occhi di pernice (eyes of elephant, Jew, wolf, and partridge, respectively).

How Served In broth or as pastasciutta, depending on size.

Where Found Widespread.

Remarks The name means literally “sparrow’s eyes.” The diameter of this round pasta bucata determines whether it is tiny pastina for broth, or a larger size for serving as pastasciutta or, more often, in legume soups.