By Harold McGee
Published 2004
Anthimus. On the Observation of Foods. Trans. M. Grant. Totnes, Devon: Prospect Books, 1996.
Apicius, M.G. De re coquinaria: L’Art culinaire. J. André, ed. Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1965. Edited and translated by B. Flower and E. Rosenbaum as The Roman Cookery Book. London: Harrap, 1958.
Brillat-Savarin, J. A. La Physiologie du goût. Paris, 1825. Translated by M.F.K. Fisher as The Physiology of Taste. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978.
Cato, M.P. On Agriculture. Trans. W.D. Hooper. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1934.