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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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abalone the common name used since the mid-19th century in N. America, and now generally adopted, for large single-shell molluscs of the genus Haliotis. Ormer and ear-shell are other English names.

An abalone can be regarded as a large and highly evolved kind of limpet, using the term in its general sense. It possesses seven holes in its shell through which water is drawn to be filtered through a pair of gills, and a very large oval β€˜foot’ or adductor muscle by which it adheres firmly to its rock. It is this foot which is the edible part. Obtaining it is not easy, since the creature normally lives at a depth which makes it necessary to dive and then prise the shells away from the rock. However, the rewards are commensurate with the task, since abalone fetches a good price and its beautiful shell also has some commercial value.

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