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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

aşure (Noah’s pudding) made in Turkey and other countries of the Middle East and Balkans, can correctly be described as a ‘legendary’ pudding. The word aşure comes from the Arabic ashura which means the tenth day of the holy month of Muharram, the first month of the Muslim calendar. According to tradition a number of significant events happened on this day: Adam met Eve; Abraham was delivered from the fire; and Jacob was reunited with Joseph. It was also on this day, according to legend, that a special pudding was made by Noah and his family when the waters of the great flood subsided and they were able to leave the ark. The pudding was made with all the foodstuffs remaining on board; wheat, rice, beans, chick peas, dried fruits, and nuts. Nowadays the ingredients vary according to the harvest of the country, availability, and preference.

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