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Cavalcanti, Ippolito

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

Cavalcanti, Ippolito (Duke of Buonvicino) (1787–1859) author of one of the most popular italian cookery books of the 19th century. It is not known whether he had another occupation. The book was first published at Naples in 1837, under the title La cucina teorico-pratica. No copy of this edition is recorded as surviving. The second edition was in 1839 and there were six further editions, all at Naples, by the time of his death. The title was modified and the contents revised in successive editions, one of the important changes being the introduction in the second edition of a section in Neapolitan dialect on the authentic domestic cookery of Naples. Editions continued to appear up to 1904.

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