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Gloucester Cheese

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

Gloucester cheese named after the English county where it has been made for three centuries or more, is made in two forms, single Gloucester and double Gloucester. The difference between them is mainly one of thickness. Both are 41 cm (16") in diameter, but while double is 10 to 12 cm (4 to 5") thick, Single is just over half as thick. A double Gloucester weighs around 11 kg (24 lb). It is always coloured red with annatto; Single is usually uncoloured. The process by which either kind of Gloucester is made is similar to that for cheddar, but with less severe pressing, so that it remains lighter, moister, and crumblier. It keeps well and after six months maturing has a mild, nutty flavour.

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