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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

Grill to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat, as when a piece of meat is placed on a grill (a device, typically of parallel metal bars, to support it above or below the source of heat) or gridiron with heat from a charcoal fire or other source of heat playing directly onto it. The N. American word for the verb grill is broil.

The grill must be distinguished from the griddle (which is a solid plate) and it should also be recognized that the modern grill in a domestic cooker is usually a salamander, i.e. the heat comes from above not below. The earlier pattern of grill or gridiron is now a stand-alone device in a commercial kitchen (powered by either charcoal or gas heating ceramic briquettes). In most domestic contexts, its modern manifestation is the barbecue.

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