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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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grisette the French and also the English name of Amanita vaginata, a delicately flavoured mushroom found in the autumn in woods of many parts of Europe and America. It stands 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6") high and measures about 8 cm (3") across the cap when fully grown. The colour of the cap is usually grey (whence ‘grisette’) or brown, but some varieties (or closely related species—the taxonomy is uncertain) have orange or even whitish caps. The gills are white or creamy.

Grisettes are edible, but care needs to be taken to distinguish them from other, dangerous members of the genus Amanita. The grisette differs from other Amanita species by having no ring on the stem. It also has short radial marks around the top outer edge of the cap, like marks made on a pie crust by a fork.

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