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Gypsy Mushroom

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

gypsy mushroom Rozites caperata, an edible fungus of Europe and N. America, which has a prominent ring on its pale, stocky stem and a distinctive, wrinkled, yellow-orange or tawny cap with a ‘frosted’ appearance. The cap, often with a darker boss in the middle, may measure up to 15 cm (6") across.

Light is cast on the nocturnal sartorial habits of elderly Finnish ladies by the Finnish name, which means ‘granny’s nightcap’. The species is often also called chicken of the woods in English (but see sulphur shelf). The origin of the name ‘gypsy’ may be the German name Zigeuner, but why this was bestowed is not clear.

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