How to Make a One-Spoon Quenelle

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By Thomas Keller

Published 1999

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Quenelles are typically made with two spoons, but the edgeless oval created by drawing a spoon through something smooth like ice cream or mousse is a more elegant shape. To make a one-spoon quenelle, you need a cup of very hot water, a spoon (whose bowl will determine the size of the quenelle), and whatever you’re “quenelling.” Dip the spoon in the water so it’s hot. Hold the spoon with the rounded bottom up, place the far edge of the spoon into the mixture, with the near edge close to the surface but not touching, and drag the spoon toward you. The mixture you’re scraping should curl with the shape of the spoon. As you drag, twist your wrist up until the quenelle folds over itself into an egg shape. For the best shape, drag only once through the mixture; dip and clean your spoon for each new quenelle. It takes some practice.