Russula intermedia

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula intermedia P. Karst. syn. R. lundellii Singer (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 8–15cm across, convex, later flattening or with a depression; orange-scarlet, blood-coloured, yellowish-bay, reddish-rust, brownish-apricot, or deep rosy wine-coloured, sometimes with ochre or yellowish areas; rather firm to almost hard, very fleshy, sticky when moist; one-third peeling. Stem 80–100×20–30mm; white, rarely tinted dull purplish, browning slightly on handling; hard. Flesh white; taste bitter and more or less hot. Gills adnexed, connected by veins at their bases; deep saffron. Spores 7–8×6.5–7µ, somewhat globose; warts up to 0.7–1µ high, isolated, no lines. Spore print ochre (H). Cap cystidia sparse, cylindrical, reacting with SV. Habitat with birch; summer to early autumn. Uncommon; mainly Scottish, but also recorded from southern England. Rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Not edible.