Russula alutacea

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula alutacea (Fr.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Similar to R. olivacea (above), with the same livid purple reaction to phenol and the same type of microscopic structure of the cap surface; differs mainly in the sporal ornamentation. Cap 7–13cm across, livid purple, vinaceous, or purplish-brown, the centre often paler, straw-coloured, buff, olive, or greenish, these latter colours sometimes over the entire surface. Stem 30–100×15–40mm; white, often tinted rose but usually at the base only (in R. olivacea the top or the whole stem may be affected). Gills forking; deep buff-straw. Spores 8–10×6.5–8.5µ, ovate; rather low warts up to 0.8µ high, often joined by ridges to form a partial network, though with few or no meshes. Habitat in broad-leaved woods; early summer to early autumn. Uncommon. Edible.