Lactarius mammosus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Lactarius mammosus Fr. (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 2.5–5.5cm across, convex, later flattening or with a depression, sometimes with a flat to pointed umbo, margin at first somewhat inrolled; brownish, vinaceous-grey to umber or hazel, sometimes with one or more concentric bands; moderately thick, firm, surface dry, of feathery, adpressed fibres breaking into small, low, fibrous scales. Stem 15–35×5–11mm; whitish or tinged with the cap colour, bruising pale cinnamon-brown. Flesh whitish to buff. Gills adnate to slightly decurrent, crowded; rosy buff, later darker with an orange tinge. Milk white; taste mild, then hot or very hot, smell of coconut. Spores 7.7–9×5–6¼, elliptical-ovate; dense, fairly full network of ridges. Spore print cream (C). Habitat with pine; early autumn. Uncommon. Edible.