Goat Moth Wax Cap

Hygrophorus cossus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Goat Moth Wax Cap Hygrophorus cossus (Sowerby.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–7cm across, convex, becoming more flattened; white, flushed buff, especially near the centre, no reaction with KOH; slimy. Stem 40–70×5–10mm; whitish; slimy. Flesh white; taste and smell strong and unpleasant, said to resemble that of the larva of the Goat Moth (Cossus cossus), from which it gets its common name. Gills decurrent; whitish. Spores 8–10×4–5¼, ovoid. Spore print white. Habitat in oak woods on chalk; autumn. Occasional. Not edible. Note Henrici (2001) says that this is a doubtful name that is normally applied to strong-smelling collections of H. eburneus (above).