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Plums and Custard

Tricholomopsis rutilans

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Plums and Custard Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.) Singer (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 4–12cm across, convex to bell-shaped when expanded, often with a low, broad umbo; yellow, densely covered in reddish-purple downy tufts or scales, especially at the centre. Stem 35–55×10–15mm, no mycelial strands; yellow, covered in fine, downy, purplish scales like the cap, but to a much lesser extent. Flesh pale yellow or cream; taste watery, smell like rotten wood. Gills rich egg-yellow. Spores 6–8.5×4–5¼, ellipsoid. Spore print white. Cheilocystidia 20–30¼ wide, voluminous, thin-walled. Habitat on and around conifer stumps; late summer to late autumn. Very common. Considered edible by some but not recommended.

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