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Armillaria cepistipes

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Armillaria cepistipes Velen. (illustrated 35% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, very variable, convex; more distinctly yellow than the larger species; covered in darker, fibrillose scales, especially at the centre. Stem 60–150Γ—5–12mm; yellowish; initially with a thick, cottony, whitish to yellow ring at the apex. Flesh white; taste astringent, smell strong. Gills white at first then yellowish, becoming pinkish-brown and often darker-spotted with age. Spores 8–9Γ—5–6ΒΌ, elliptical. Spore print pale cream. Habitat in large clusters on or around trunks or stumps of deciduous and coniferous trees or shrubs, especially hazel; summer to early winter. Common. Edible when cooked, but should only be eaten in small amounts as it may cause stomach upsets, and should possibly be considered poisonous. Note in my first book this was included in A. mellea.

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