Tricholoma orirubens

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Tricholoma orirubens Quél. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 4–8cm across, conical then expanded with an acute umbo; dark grey, often paler at the margin; covered in cottony or felty, black scales. Stem 40–80×10–15mm; white, becoming flecked with red, often marked green or blue at the base, arising from pale sulphur-yellow mycelium. Flesh white, eventually reddening; taste not distinctive, smell strongly of meal. Gills white to greyish when young, often becoming pink and sometimes spotted. Spores 4–6.5×3–4.5¼, broadly ovate to subglobose. Spore print white. Habitat in deciduous or, less frequently, coniferous woods; autumn. Uncommon. Edible.