Marasmius cohaerens

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Marasmius cohaerens (Pers.) Cooke & Quél. (illustrated 45% life size) Cap 1–3.5cm across, convex-campanulate; dark yellowish-brown to cinnamon, darker at the disk; dry or subhygrophanous at the margin, smooth, tough, pliable, texture revives when remoistened. Stem 20–75×0.75–3mm, slender, with basal pad of white to yellowish mycelium; white-pruinose at apex, yellow-brown below and reddish-brown over lower half; pliant, cartilaginous, dry, very smooth and polished. Flesh pallid or brownish; taste none, but a slight bitter aftertaste, smell somewhat pungent, earthy. Gills adnexed, distant, broad; yellowish-white or brownish at margin. Spores 7–10×3–5.5¼, subfusiform, smooth. Spore print white. Habitat in groups or dense clusters on decaying leaves and twigs in deciduous woods; summer to autumn. Occcasional. Unknown edibility.