Cystolepiota adulterina (F. H. Møller) Bon syn. Lepiota adulterina Møller (illustrated 65% life size) Cap 1.5–2.5cm across, conico-convex; initially beige and scurfy with a few cottony warts, later disrupting into thick, mealy, ochraceous warts on a pale cream ground; velar remains adhering to the margin. Stem 30–40×2–4mm; whitish to pinkish, with a scurfy beige covering below the ring zone. Flesh whitish in cap, vinaceous towards the base of the stem. Gills cream. Spores 4–6×2–2.5¼, narrowly elliptic to subcylindrical. Spore print white. Cheilocystidia inconspicuous, thin-walled, clavate with pointed apex. Surface of cap covered with small (15–30¼ diameter), globose, thin-walled cells. Habitat in broad-leaved woods, amongst scrub of ash, nettle, dog’s mercury; late summer to autumn. Very rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Suspect avoid.