Limacella guttata

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Limacella guttata (Pers.) Konrad & Maubl. syn. L. lenticularis (Lasch.) Maire. (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 6–15cm across, obtusely convex, becoming broader with an umbo, margin incurved and cottony at first, then often splitting radially; background whitish, cuticle dull ochre to pale tan or creamy, then somewhat cracked. Stem 100–150×10–25mm, solid, base enlarged into an oval bulb; creamy, with olive-grey stains in age; longitudinally lined with adpressed hairs above and below the ring; partial veil leaves a thin, floppy, membranous ring, pale pinkish-gray and minutely hairy on both sides. Flesh white; thick; taste mild or slightly mushroomy, smell slightly mealy when wet. Gills free, close, broad; pure white at first, becoming olive-grey in age. Spores 4–5×3.5–4¼, ellipsoid to subglobose, smooth; nonamyloid. Spore print white. Habitat scattered or in groups with elm or ash, in damp areas; autumn. Uncommon. Unknown edibility.