Cortinarius (Myxacium) causticus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Myxacium) causticus Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–8cm across, broadly umbonate; pale ochraceous, flushed tawny at centre; drying paler and shiny, viscid when moist. Stem 30–80×4–12mm, base often pointed; whitish, often flushed ochraceous; slightly viscid below. Flesh lemon-yellow to ochraceous, often white in cap; taste mild, but cap cuticle bitter, smell strong. Gills adnate to free; pale ochraceous at first, becoming more buff to rusty cinnamon. Spores 6.5–8×4–5¼, elliptical, almost smooth. Spore print rust. Habitat in deciduous and coniferous woods, especially with oak and beech; autumn. Uncommon. Unknown edibility.