Bitter Webcap

Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) infractus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Bitter Webcap Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) infractus (Pers.) Fr. (illustrated 35% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, convex then umbonate or depressed, often wavy at the margin; chestnut to olive-brown, often paler at the centre. Stem 30–80×6–25mm, more or less swollen below; whitish, tinged olive-brown at base, apex sometimes violaceous; cortina abundant, pale grey. Flesh whitish to ochre-buff, often tinged violaceous, especially in stem apex, immediately black with AgNO3; taste bitter, smell none or faintly of radish. Gills almost free; olive-brown at first, finally umber. Spores 7–10×5–7¼, subglobose, roughened. Spore print rust. Habitat deciduous and coniferous woods; autumn. Uncommon, vulnerable on Red Data List. Suspect avoid.